Coincidence or Fulfilled Prophecy
January 20th, 2009 Barrack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States. Is it possible that the election that occurred November 4th, 2008 was just a coincidence of
a perfect storm of a charismatic candidate used advanced technology and an emerging generation of young people to pull off
an improbable victory? Or was this election ordained by a Higher Power to fulfill
a prophecy?
A Biblical generation is forty years. Moses led the Hebrew people to freedom
across the Red Sea. The people wandered forty years in the wilderness before
going to the Promised Land. Moses was denied seeing the land of milk and honey,
but he knew his people would get there.
April 3, 1968 the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Junior gave a stirring message in Memphis Tennessee, urging American
people of color to not give up in the face of what would seem insurmountable opposition to receive full civil rights as outlined
in the Constitution of the United States. In what would become his final words,
Dr. King said we will get to the Promised Land, but I may not get there with you, but we will get there. The next day, April 4th, Dr. King was gunned down.
A biblical generation is forty years. Barrack Obama‘s father
from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, raised in Hawaii by his white grandparents. He
gets an Ivy League education and his fist job out of college is a community organizer.
In his run for the United States Senate the opposition candidate drops out of the race and essentially leaves Obama
Coincidence or Biblical prophecy fulfilled. A junior senator who is 88
among the 100 senators in seniority runs for president against a political machine that had claimed victory before the first
primary vote was caste.
Iowa caucuses in January gives Obama the nod, showing the nation that Barrack Obama can be a president for all the
people, not just the black people.
After the two political parties nominate their candidates, the election campaign is even, and then the American economy
goes into a free fall. People who would never consider voting for a black
man, now sense almost any change is needed.
Coincidence or Biblical Prophecy fulfilled. In terms of African American
History this is the most significant event in our lifetime and probably ranks with the Emancipation Proclamation as a significant
of all time.
And to quote Cornel West in his new book titled Hope On A Tight Rope, hope
maybe fragile but it is still alive. America and the world will see that all
Black people are not in jail or drugs or have separated families. They will see
in the First Family, what we in our community already know, that we have traditional values, and our dreams are the American
dreams, and just like Joseph’s dreams in the bible, dreams do come true.
Coincidence or Biblical prophecy? On election night many people cried,
however I did not shed tears that night although during the primary campaign I cried many times. No on this election night election, I praised God because for me this was no Coincidence but a Biblical
prophecy fulfilled!
My message for you as we celebrate Black History is to be encouraged, because God is still in control.
Pastor Dwight Smith
Trinity A.M.E. Church
Trinity A.M.E. Church
127th Anniversary
Pastor’s Greeting
It is my honor and privilege to welcome you to the
Trinity African Methodist Church.127th Anniversary Celebration. Over
several generations Trinity has been serving the Springfield community sharing the Gospel and being a voice for social justice.
Today we consider ourselves a community church open
to anyone, regardless of race creed, color or social economic standing. It is
our aim to like the church at Antioch as described in the 13th chapter of Acts of the Apostles.
It is with pride that I represent this loving congregation
and follow in the path of a long legacy of outstanding pastors. We thank you,
the public for your support and we solicit your prayers as we continue to do God’s work at the corner of Homeview Ave.
and Selma Road. “To God be the Glory”.
Yours, in His Service.
Rev. Dwight E. Smith, Pastor
Trinity A.M.E Church
Psalm 37A:25