Reverend Peggy
E. G. Turner - Local Elder
Reverend Peggy Turner was born
and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She was educated in the Fort Wayne Community School System. From there she
went to Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and earned a Bachelors of Science in Education degree with a major in speech
and hearing therapy and a minor in speech and drama.
Reverend Turner continued her
education at Ball State and earned a Masters of Arts degree in speech pathology and minors in speech communication and learning
disabilities. Later she attended the University of Dayton and earned a Masters of Science in Education degree with an
emphasis on school administration.
Reverend Peggy Turner
moved to Springfield, Ohio in 1983, because her husband Matthew was transferred to Springfield. Currently she is employed
with the Springfield City Schools.
Reverend Peggy Turner
answered the call to preach in 1990. She was ordained a Local Deacon in 1995 and a Local Elder in 2000. She is currently
a part time student at Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce, Ohio. Reverend Turner became a member of Trinity AME Church Springfield because of the warm welcome and reception she received.
She soon became the church organist and minister of music. She served in several
organizations, on various committees, and was on the Steward Board.
Turner serves as Chaplin for the Wilberforce Alumni Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta, and the coordinating council of the Springfield
Frontiers Club and also a member of the Springfield Area Alliance of Black School Educators. She serves as one of the volunteer
ministers for Mercy St. John’s Center Sunday worship service.
testimonial song is “I’m on the Battlefield for My Lord.” One of her favorite verses that provide
encouragement is,
Proverbs 3:5 and 6, KJV.
"Trust in the Lord with all
thine hear; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Reverend Turner is
married to Matthew Turner and they have two adult children. Matthew Turner II (wife Marie Bolton Turner), MBA and MHSA, graduate
of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Eileen Turner, Cum Laude, Xavier University.