Trinity AME Church Choir
honored our own
April 14, 2007
Mr. Eunice Rice *
Mrs. Ruth Stone
Mr. Charles Beard
Mrs. Virginia Clark
"Forever in our hearts"
Music Department
Sherman Lewis - President
Sylvia Norris -
Vice Pres. - Director
Rosie Roberts - Director
Carlyn Williams - Secretary
Shirley Roberts - Treasurer
Rudolph Hampton -
- Chaplain
Leslie Young-Smith
- Asst. Chaplain
George Wallace -
Organ & Min.of Music
Ruth Stone - Piano
Walter Tooson -
Drums & Guitar
John W. Williams -
Drums & Bongos
Preston Mack
Sarah Smith
Kim Brooks
Harry Roberts
Angela Gorman
Sharon Perkins-Harris
Kimberly Beard
Charles Beard
Karen Lewis
Rev. Robert Hagans
Mercedes Harris
Lifting His name in song!!
Gospel Music Link
Black Gospel Lyrics
Trinity AME Choir will be guest at the following celebrations:
St. Paul Cedarville
Annual Songfest
March 29, 2009 @ 3 PM
We ask all Trinity A.M.E. Church members to join us and support us as we travel and sing the songs of Zion.